北橫棲蘭神木 四人成行

宜蘭北橫 棲蘭神木 一日之旅

四人成行  平日  每人 NT$1,780起  假日每人 NT$1,980起

08:00 台北市飯店出發經國道5號 > 09:30 台7線玉蘭休息站 > 10:10 宜蘭100線林道管制區
> 10:50 棲蘭神木入口區 > 11:30 自由活動 2.5小時(含使用森林餐盒) > 14:20集合 棲蘭神木區返程
> 經國道5號 >台北火車站 > 台北市飯店

● 車資:含台北市飯店一日來回車資(含入山證)及過路小費。
● 貼心:每人一瓶礦泉水。
● 餐食:含神木區午餐(餐盒)。
● 門票:神木園區門票(含神木園專業導覽解說) 。
● 保險:本行程包含旅行業責任保險【意外死殘保額新臺幣 200萬、意外醫療保額新臺幣 20萬(實支實付)】

備註 : 以上行程及保險由慶佳旅行社提供 統編24852211 品保編號 : 00480001

洽詢專線 : 02-5572-0770 分機 1664.1683

Northern Cross-Island Highway Yilan Taipingshan 1-Day Tour

Itinerary for four people person on weekdays NT$1,780up,Departing from Taipei City


08:00 Depart from Hotel in Taipei City via National Highway No. 5
> 09:30 Provincial Highway 7A resting stop > 10:10The No. 100 Forest RoadTatung
> 10:50 Yilan Taipingshan > 11:30 free time 2.5 hours (Includes lunch box)
> 14:20 Assemble and return > National Highway No. 5 > Taipei Main Station > Hotel in Taipei City
(Departure time will be informed on the day)


:Includes one-day round trip fare to hotel in Taipei City(Includes Mountain permits & tolls)。
●Thoughtful:One bottle of mineral water per person。
●Meals:Includes lunch box
●Tickets:Yilan Taipingshan tickets (Includes tour guide) 。
●Insurance :This trip includes travel industry liability insurance
【Accidental death and disability insurance coverage is NT$2,000,000, accidental medical insurance coverage is NT$200,000 (actual payment)】:Includes one-day round trip fare to hotel in Taipei City(Includes Mountain permits & tolls)。
●Thoughtful:One bottle of mineral water per person。
●Meals:Includes lunch box
●Tickets:Yilan Taipingshan tickets (Includes tour guide) 。
●Insurance :This trip includes travel industry liability insurance
【Accidental death and disability insurance coverage is NT$2,000,000, accidental medical insurance coverage is NT$200,000 (actual payment)】
NOTE :The above itinerary and insurance are provided by Ching Jia Travel Compiled : 24852211 Warranty number : 00480001

tel: 02-5572-0770 ext. 1664.1683
