北海岸一日遊 四人成行

台灣北海岸秋之旅一日  山城 . 天燈 . 瀑布 . 漁港 . 女王

四人成行  平日  每人 NT$1,680起  假日每人 NT$1,680起


‧09:30台北市區飯店出發 > 野柳地質公園-門票自理 > 含野柳酒店自助式午餐
> 基隆正濱魚港 > 九份山城老街-特別安排陰陽海,十三層遺址 > 黃金瀑布 > 十分天燈-費用自理
> 台北市區飯店 (全程約10小時)

‧保險:本行程包含旅行業責任保險【意外死殘保額新臺幣 250萬、意外醫療保額新臺幣 20萬(實支實付)】
‧報名:本活動平日出發須於三過工作天前預訂 假日出發須於七個工作天前預訂

備註 : 以上行程及保險由豪邁國際旅行社 統編50858942 品保編號 : 北2425000


洽詢專線 : 02-5572-0770 分機 1664.1683

‧09:30 Depart from Hotel in Taipei City >YEHLIU GEOPARK(Tickets are at your own expense)
> Zhengbin fishing harbor > Jiufen old street(Jinguashi and Yinyang Sea)
> Release sky lanterns in Shihfen old Street > Hotel in Taipei City

‧Fare:Includes one-day round trip fare to hotel in Taipei City Includes tolls (Journey takes about 10 hours)。
‧Thoughtful:One bottle of mineral water per person。
‧Meals:buffet In House hotel Yehliu,Subject to the hotel’s actual arrangements on the day。
‧Tickets:Includes sky lantern but not including tickets
‧Insurance :This trip includes travel industry liability insurance
【Accidental death and disability insurance coverage is NT$2,500,000, accidental medical insurance coverage is NT$200,000 (actual payment)

‧Sign up:This event must be booked three working days in advance for flights departing on weekdays, and seven working days in advance
for flights departing on holidays.

NOTE :The above itinerary and insurance are provided by HAO MAI international Travel Compiled : 50858942 Warranty number : 2425000

Tel: 02-5572-0770 ext. 1664.1683
